Friday, May 8, 2009

Guest Blogger- Heather Mildenstein

Next Monday May 11th, Heather Mildenstein will be guest blogging with us. Heather is an awesome photographer and has a blog that is one of our daily inspirations. Visit to get to know Heather a little better. Here is what she had to say about herself.

Heather said,

"I'm so excited to be the guest blogger at SEI this month! Here are some tid-bits about me:

•I'm a full-time mom, part-time photographer, and on Saturday mornings I'm a massage therapist
•I've had an interest in photography my entire life and inherited the love from my mom
•My favorite subjects to photograph are babies, still-life, and landscape
•I really enjoy creating new things and sharing ideas
•I love life!"

1 comment:

  1. Heather, welcome, I look forward to learning as much as I can!
