Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day

garden anywhere / wicker pot / apple tree / gloves / wind chimes / journal

Did you know that Memorial Day used to be called Decoration Day? I think I like the sound of that better. It's literal and explains it's purpose. I have always really enjoyed Memorial Day. Not only because you get to show respect to those who have passed away but the activities you get to do throughout the day. After you visit memorials or cemeteries, don't you feel reinvigorated to live the life you have? Well my sister and I felt very grateful for life and planted a garden. We're hoping that we're not marching our little plants to a horrible fate, since it's our first year gardening. I found some wonderful gardening items on that are all under $25! Maybe if we have the right tools we'll be more successful with our garden... even if that's not true at least we'll have some cute memorabilia. How do you spend your Memorial Day?

Don't forget to check back tomorrow. We have a wonderful gift idea!

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