Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Magnets, DIY project

This week, my 4 year old, Alaina, has started Kindergarten! It's so hard to believe that I have a child in school already, but I'm so excited for her. I wanted to create some different magnets for the fridge to proudly display all of her artwork and papers that she'll be bringing home. This project is the perfect reason to get out that over-flowing box of scrap paper, and create something useful and cute!

Repurposed Paper Magnets

Materials needed:
• magnets (I used rare-earth magnets)
• 1 inch circle punch
• little paper scraps & cardstock scraps
• glue (I like E6000 glue for my magnets)
• double sided tape
• Starbucks coffee sleeves

1. Punch circles from the coffee sleeves

2. Working with the coffee sleeve circle, use a piece of double-sided tape placed in the center of the circle, and start to piece little scraps of paper next to one another, and some that are overlapping eachother.

3. Trim excess paper from around the circle as you go. (after this step I sewed the pieces of paper together for my magnets) Add a coat or 2 of mod-podge to seal the paper and let dry.

4. Using the E6000 glue, glue on a magnet to the smooth part of the coffee sleeve and let dry overnight.

And presto!! Cute perfectly pieced magnets, and completely made from your leftovers!!


  1. These are adorable! Now I want a sewing machine JUST to do these!

  2. Love the magnets Tara!
    Did you sew right through the corragated punch out??

    Congratualtions on being featured here at sei. I already love your blog and etsy shop!

  3. those are toooo beautiful!!!! i love them! mini works of art!!!
    I would love to put them on my layouts!!
    Great idea!

  4. These are awesome! What a great idea!!!

  5. These are BRILLIANT! Thanks for the tutorial.

  6. i can't even tell you how awesome these are! but mine looked nothing like yours. :(

  7. These are absolutely perfect! I can't wait to try these.

  8. these are so wonderful - im going to try these for sure!

  9. What a great idea.
    I can imagine something like that with fabric scraps?? maybe make a badge??

  10. These are so fabulous! Thanks for the tutorial.

  11. I just love these...what an awesome use of scrap!!!

  12. Very cute, and I love how you have used things that you already had.

  13. Very cute! I'm going to have to make some of these.

  14. Oooh, how fun! I think fabric would work too! Maybe I'll try both!

  15. Brilliant! Great use of the scraps and coffee holders :)

  16. what a fab idea. totally great!

  17. Very clever and a great use of scraps and recycling. Your little kindergartner will love having her artwork displayed proudly. Happy creating...

  18. This is fun !
    I like to make them .
    ♥ love from the Netherlands, RINI ♥

  19. Yes I have makes some of this little things and I love them !
    They are now at my blog .
    Hope you will see them there !
    Thanks for this lovely project !love from ♥RINI♥

  20. How cool is this!
    Very nice creative work!

  21. Adorable indeed! I never think of that idea. You are so creative to think something beautiful like that. I wish I can also do that kind of stuff.

  22. Thank you so much for that idea !!
    It so cool !! Ma fridge is so awfull !! I will do that !!!

  23. I love these! Very creative! I would love for you to link up any of your projects to my Ten Buck Tuesday link parties!

    And, I'm a new follower :)


  24. Ooooh I like these! Great way to use up paper scraps.
    Plus I'm a sucker for anything that reuses/avoids those paper sleeves being thrown out.

  25. What a creative way to use scraps! Your magnets are so pretty! My 'baby' is a senior! I remember her first day of PreK like it was yesterday! Thanks for the how to!

  26. Found via Pinterest!
    Love it!


  27. Really cute. What a great idea. keep Crafting!

  28. such a cool idea! Can do crafting, recycling and minimise waste at the same time, bravo!

  29. These are adorable!! I'm looking for little gifts to give my customers. May have to try these! Super Cute!

  30. Love these!!! So pretty too! :) ~smiles, HOlly

  31. I was given some of these as a gift a few years ago with some made as Christmas tree ornaments (hole punched and ribbon tied on) I love to use up those scraps of paper.

  32. I love this idea and I have more paper scraps I know what to do with.... I thnk we used this for a cub scout project. just have to take the portable sewing machine to the den meeting. This is so awesome!!!!

  33. Hi, I like your blog, it is so well designed.Thanks for sharing with us.


  34. These are so cool! Thanks for sharing!
