Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Moravia Shirt Giveaway

We're finally able to breathe a little. Everyone's back from CHA and there's a bit of a calm in the art room... What's the saying? The calm before the storm. I'm hoping that there's no storm but we have already started getting ideas together for CHA January. That usually means work, work, work but at least it's work you can't complain about. Well, for those of you who weren't able to make it to CHA, we want to give you a little piece of the experience. We're giving away 5 Moravia t-shirts. These were the shirts that were featured at this year's show.

All that you have to do is leave a comment telling us what's made this summer great (i.e. a trip, family, a project, etc). The giveaway will end tomorrow, Wednesday August 5th at midnight. We'll announce the winners Thursday morning. Hope you have a splendid day!


  1. Oh boy! I'm first! What is making this summer special has to be the time I have spent with my granddaughter. She is turning 15 soon so we had sooo much to talk about, or she did! LOL!
    Sharon L

  2. this summer the weather has been awesome - less hot and humid than usual - and therefore I have been able to enjoy the outside much more. thanks for the chance.

  3. This has been a special summer because everyone is healthy this year! The last two summers have involved a lot of hospital stays and this year we've been able to just enjoy the weather and each other! It's SO nice to not have anything going on!

  4. What's made this summer great? I found out I was pregnant yesterday. That made it a wonderful summer!

  5. The great thing about this summer is that my husband will finally get home from a year long deployment. I can't wait!

  6. Actually it's being laid off from work again! I've been spending time with the family while searching for a new job. Of course I won't think it's so great in a copule of weeks when the kids go back to school, but enjoying the time with them now!


  7. This has been a great summer around our house - but the best was visiting Idaho - Yellowstone, etc.- but the very best was visiting my son, his wife and 2 year old granddaughter.

  8. Wow - some of you have had awesome summers! I have had a great summer because I have been able to spend some quality time with each of my teenage girls, and they both have done a lot of maturing this year - in a good way. Thanks!

  9. I loved going to Boulder, CO for the first time this summer. And it was for a close friend's wedding! =) It's beautiful there and I didn't want to leave.

  10. Tomorrow summer becomes great when my daughter is born!

  11. This summer the four of us has spent four whole weeks together, first a week in Greece, then just doing nothing at home: the kids have been playing with friends, we have tidied both our shed and the garage, and I have done a lot of garden work.

    People around us were complaining about the weather: cloudy, not hot at all, but it was perfect for us.

  12. The highlight of my summer has been all the new babies! 6 of my friends and my SIL all have given birth since March. It seems like everywhere we go, there are cute bambinos to snuggle.

  13. Summer-One of the most beautiful words. Family, Vacation, CKU, and much more!

  14. this summer I treated myself to Lasik surgery.....and now I can see!!!! I can't wait for my cruise next month w/o having to worry about contacts or glasses.

  15. this summer my granddaughters and I spent all our time together just having fun.

  16. I got to see Dave Matthews at Fenway Park and I took a day trip to New York City. I have to say this is one of my best summers. Concetta78@comcast.net

  17. On the 4th of July, my 3 kids were with us for the first time in 3 years. In fact, all but my son-in-law, who is protecting us is B'Harain, were there. Kids, grandkids, in-laws, and close friends. God's little blessings.

  18. Our family is on a wonderful trip to Hilton Head Island. My stepson is getting married here. We've never been and have fallen in love. I wish we could come every year.

  19. This summer I have spent a lot of time with family and friends. I Had a baby shower for my daughter and had lots of family and friends come from out of town and stay with us for a few days. It was fabulous!

  20. our camping trips that we have started have been a blast.

    I am trying to get some answers to the payout info for publications using SEI, but no one has emailed me back. I tried the email on the ad but it went to CK media.

  21. This has been a challenging summer. My Dad died unexpectedly and my Mom had a 3rd stroke the week following Dad's memorial service. The good news is that my Mom just started back in outpatient rehab yesterday so we are looking forward to her continued recovery and I'm blessed with a wonderful sister, brother-in-law and nieces.

  22. This summer is great because my first grandchild was born!!!

  23. I've been blessed enough to stay at home with my kiddos this summer! Many scrapalicious moments!

  24. missmammamurphy31@yahoo.comAugust 5, 2009 at 3:12 PM

    I have had a great summer! Chillin at the pool and really taking some time to relax. Thanks for the chance to win SEI.

  25. hockeygurl1979@aol.comAugust 5, 2009 at 3:13 PM

    My summer has been so busy, but wonderful. Many great mini vacations with the kids and lots of time to scrap. I'm almost caught up, gasp!

  26. This summer has been good because I finally finished a mini-album of photos of my friend that I've promised to scrap for a long time now! Thanks for the opportunity!

  27. Summer has been great! Our county fair is over, enjoyed this time spent with family and freinds. Now our family is going on a vacation before school starts!

  28. What made the summer special. Well it is not over yet. We go to the beach in a couple weeks. Also, I am off from work in the summer and get to spend time with my two boys.
