Friday, October 9, 2009

Guest Blogger, Jessica Wilson

Start looking forward to next week because Jessica Wilson will be our guest blogger! Be sure to check out her blogs, scrumdillydilly and scrumdilly-do and her flickr. This little bio says the rest!

For years I have written up two sentence bios for me and the mister to go along with various write-ups and shop posts. I never know what to write or include so this time around, I asked one of my favorite people to write it instead and here is what she amazingly and graciously wrote…can you tell I’m blushing?

A few things about me according to the magnificent Stacey Z.:

Jessica is:
...that rare, rare, bird: a Native Angeleno (born and raised in Los Angeles)
...a Thrifter and Crafter and Re-Purposer (and, as a result, a Constant Clutter Purger
...a Teacher and a Student and a Talker and a Listener and an Etsy Vixen
...a Dash-of-This-a-Snip-of-That Cook (and as such, also a Kitchen Dancer [and as such, a Mix CD Maker])
...a Mug-Wielder and a Photo Taker and an A-Go-Go Spouse and a True Friend and a Child-Free-Would-Be-Should-Be Parent and a Color Seeker and a Finder of Purty Things

she wears:
...many hats (figuratively, occasionally literally, but always colorful and beribboned)
...vintage spectacles
...polka dots, stripes lipstick skivvies

she makes:
...great oatmeal and weird-but-wonderful sweets
...Dilly Bags art with kids
...everything she can laugh