Monday, November 16, 2009

Giveaway Winner + Blog Schedule

Thank you for all your comments on Melissa's blog posts last week. It was neat to see where she gets her inspiration from! The giveaway winner as selected by is:

Congratulations Ahuerta! Now all you need to do is send your mailing address to us at seiblog(at)shopsei(dot)com before November 23rd.

If you remember, for the last giveaway we had we asked for your input on the blog. Since then we have done a lot of planning and decided to make a blog schedule for you. This new schedule includes some exciting new opportunities for you to be involved in the blog including challenges and features! To be eligible for the features please continue to e-mail us images of your projects at seiblog(at)shopsei(dot)com. We are still researching and idea making for a way to display your projects, but for now this is our venue. More information on the challenges and features will be given as they come up.

Another thing to look forward to is our annual 12 Days of Christmas. Click here to see last year's wonderful Holiday ideas and get excited for this year! We'll start November 30 and as a result, next month's schedule will be a little different (but still great!).

Thanks for all of your support and love, and thanks again to Melissa Phillips; we loved having her talent here!


  1. I am new to the SEI club and blog, I am so excited to figure this all out and start my kits. I have a 10 week old and about 1000 pictures to be put in books/projects! Any tips on using the blog or club would be great!

    Thank you to all,

  2. Welcome, Carly! We are so happy you found us! Congratulations on your baby. What a perfect time to scrapbook. One of the best pieces of advice I have received on scrapbooking is start from where you are and work backwards. It is fun to work on what is relevant now and journal what is fresh in your mind.

    On the blog there are several topics listed on the left side. If you click on "layouts", you will find several different layout ideas.

    Club is a great way to get a lot of ideas and great products. Utilize the club website. There is an idea gallery, click-n-prints, and more available to club members only.

    Best Wishes!
