Friday, March 12, 2010

Egg Artist + Giveaway

Today is my last day on the blog and for this last post, I wanted to create a scrapbook layout using the fun spring colors in the Jocelyn line.

Easter is almost upon us and I thought I had done the smart thing by purchasing egg dying kits, tools, and plastic eggs after Easter last year at 75% off, but it has turned into a bugger, because when I dragged the Spring décor boxes out and my girls saw these items, it has been a daily hassle of saying no to “mom, can we decorate eggs?”. Ayiyiyi. Only a few more weeks left and then we’ll be doing just that.

I went through my photos at Easter time last year and dug up some fun shots of Morgan during her intense decorating session. They were the perfect colors for this layout:

And here’s a detailed shot:

Hmm. Someone thought this layout should have been about them……

Let’s try this:

I loved the glitter covered borders, and wanted to bring some detail to the page, so added stitching and a border punch, and finished it off with some fun brads.

Thanks for spending the week with me! And a huge thanks to SEI for asking me to be here. Have a great Spring! Davinie

Thank you, Davinie! We loved all the fun and pretty spring projects you shared with us this week. Now we have a lot of great ideas of how to decorate and celebrate spring this month. If you need more project ideas or inspiration, be sure to go to Davinie's blog, My Little Piece of that Azure Sky.

Readers, leave a comment on this post telling us which post was your favorite this week and you will be entered into a giveaway for a chance to win some Jocelyn products, including papers, designer brads, dimensional titles, and rub-ons.

Just leave your comment by Tuesday, March 16th at midnight and we will announce the winner Wednesday. Be sure to check back next week to see if you are the winner because if we don't hear from the winner by March 30th we will pick a new winner!


  1. Yeah, I get to be first !! My favorite was the Easter Basket post, I will definitely be making those !!

  2. I loved the Spring Garland post, and the post with kids clothing inspiration. So many pretty colors :)

    Have a nice weekend!

  3. I love the easter basket idea! I will definitely be making some of those. Thanks for all the fabulous inspiration!

  4. I loved the spring wreath! I have made many wreaths over the years and like the idea of using my paper products to help.

  5. My favorite post was how to make an Easter basket. So cute and easy to make. I plan on using it this year.

  6. There are just so many good ones to choose from but I am going for the Easter LO!! I love the way you used multiple photos and kept the design simple and did a few subtle things with the embellishments!
    Barb :)

  7. The garland was my favorite. So simply sewn and cute. Paper patterns always look so different when punched and I like that.

  8. I loved the tutorial on how to make an easter basket. This could be used for so many things. I think I need to throw a party and make some party favors!

  9. I loved the tutorial on making an Easter basket. It was so darn easy. This little basket will be making its presence known for birthdays as well.

  10. The Easter basket was really cute, but I was totally inspired by kid's clothing!

  11. My favorite post this week was the quick and easy (and too darn cute) easter basket instructions. I've already made several for my nieces and nephews and have had such fun making them I might start several dozen for my grandson's entire daycare (grinning). Thanks so much!

  12. I loved the Easter simple and quite beautiful! And thanks for all the hard work this week!

  13. My favorite was the Easter basket post. I'm going to make a few of these and fill with goodies to give to my friends.

  14. Without a doubt I choose the scrapbook page! The layout is second to the pictures. So many layouts get so busy the pix fade into the background. Of course it doesn't hurt to have one cute little girl as the subject!
    Sharon L

  15. I love the garland post. It was so pretty. This has been another great week!

  16. My favorite was the egg dying layout. I loved the stitching around the border!

  17. I have enjoyed the whole week, but I guess my favorite was the basket. Can't wait to make them with my son!

  18. I looooov' the grapevine wreath & the garland; can't choose between them

  19. I loved today's post! I am glad to see that I am not the only one that has little ones get i the way while taking pics! LOL (Though mine are covered in fur...) THe kids clothing inspiration one was good too!

  20. I love the Easter Basket. Will make great teachers gifts.

  21. The Easter basket. So easy and cute and I will be making several of them!

  22. I liked the basket tutorial. Cute and she made it look easy.

  23. Easily the Easter Basket post. Lovin' that!!

  24. Well, I really loved the spring garland. But, I also liked the idea of getting inspiration and color ideas from kids' clothing. Happy spring!

  25. I love the Spring Garland post - so cute !

  26. My favorite post was the Easter Basket. I stopped and made one out of regular paper I was so excited to learn!

  27. My favorite was the easter basket post.

  28. Lots of great ideas. My favorite was the Easter basket - so simple and cute.

  29. Loved the basket - so achievable, and easy to customize!

  30. I love Friday's post with the egg art. Just love the papers used!

  31. Although the kids clothing post was super cute, I really enjoyed the handmade basket the best. The instructions were great and I can't wait to make one.

  32. This post, but they were all really good, luv this layout!

  33. Oh...give me the garland and the basket and I am happy! Cute, simple things to do to make Easter bright! Thanks!

  34. I loved the easter basket--looks quick, easy and cute :)

  35. I just love that Spring wreath!! and the Spring garland and the easter basket!!

  36. The spring garland post is my fave!

  37. It's hard to pick my favorite of the week. It just keep getting better. First I loved he garland, then the basket, then the easter layouts! So much to choose from, I love it all!
    Thanks :)

  38. I just love the Jocelyn line with its vibrant colors. My favorite post this week was definitely the Easter Basket. I love learning new ways to carry on old traditions.

  39. my fave post by Davinie this week would have to be the "Inspired by kid's clothing" post. My 2-month old daughter has the cutest clothes! I've been so wrapped up in her, though, that I didn't think of her cute little outfits as inspiration. Thanks SEI & Davinie!

  40. I've loved all the posts- Davinie is so talented! But I guess my fave is the Inspired by kids' clothing: cute outfits, cute kids, and cute paper?! How can you lose? ;) (I'll be using that ruffled technique soon!
    Thanks, Davinie, and thanks SEI for the chance to win!

  41. Thank you for providing us with all these great ideas for easter. I really liked the wreath, but will give the basked a try, too.


  42. My favorite post was the egg artist post. I love looking at scrapbook pages to inspire me on my own. Love the creativity and the color combinations. It was such a bright bold page. I would second the spring garland post after that. I love that you can alter it for any season!

  43. I like the garland post. I've been wanting to make a garland for awhile. Should actually do it!

  44. The Easter baskets were so cute but the spring garland was my fave...a great project for my girls, Thanks!

  45. Enjoyed every day's projects! Especially the Egg Artist layout, which is just beautiful :)

  46. I loved the grapevine wreath! Its unique and very reminiscent of spring! :)

  47. Loved all of your projects! ... but your page is fabulous :)

  48. How lucky. I came back to post a comment about how much fun we had making 2 Easter creative and inventive. Something I'll be telling the Girl Scout leaders about. Thanks.

    So, the Easter Basket post was #1 and the Spring Garland was #2...I made one for St. Pat's Day with stamps and punches and hole punched them and used baker's twine (even though it's red and white, but I have about 3 million feet of it!!!!) to hang it in our front window!

  49. I really enjoyed the card inspired by the dress. I liked how you were able to connect the two designs and how they matched perfectly. Great job!

  50. I just love the post "Inspired by kid's clothes": so fresh and pretty.

  51. I laove everything that Davinie does but I think the wreath is my absolute favorite.

  52. I loved the Easter Basket post. There are so many different ways to make paper baskets, but this is the easist version I've ever seen!!I've already made one for my china cabinet and will be making one for the table in my entry way soon. Thanks for all the great ideas.

  53. All the projects were super cute, but think the garland and E. basket will be coming to life at my house!

  54. Easter basket tutorial for sure!

  55. I really enjoyed the last post actually! The story about her children repeatedly asking to decorate resonated with me b/c I made that mistake with the Christmas gingerbread house!

  56. I loved the spring garland! It was so cute, and totally wanted to come up with some to hang in my daughter's room all year long :)

  57. I love the post about getting inspiration of children's clothes. It gives me ideas/a new outlook for finding inspiration. Thanks!

  58. I loved the easter baskets...I plan on making some for my friends and filling them with goodies for our easter-time scrap get together! You're never to old to get an easter basket filled with goodies!

  59. I just to decorate for spring and I love wreaths so my favorite would have to be the beautiful wreath. Love how the flowers were done. I want to try and make one now.

  60. Loved the garland post.

    jlh774 at gmail dot com

  61. I loved the easter basket & garland posts - so need to do this!

  62. I have to say my fave has to be the wreath! It's so original and so handmade....LUV IT!!! But everything else is so darling too!! All of you are so inspiring!!....sigh!

  63. Can I have two favorites? I love the Easter LO and the spring garland. Bith are great.

  64. I love the Basket! I'm actually gathering materials to make one tonight!

  65. I just LOVED that Spring wreath!! I was just saying today that I need a new wreath to hang over my fireplace. Love all the ideas!

  66. Yes, I love the easter basket post ! I love the paper and brads. It will make a beautiful center piece for the holiday !!

  67. My favorite post was how to make an easter basket....great idea, looks so easy. I'm going to make the basket with my niece.

  68. They were all really good, the garland, the spring dresses (I was eyeing that dress to at ON!) and great basket!

  69. I love the spring decorations and garland. So much fun!!!


  70. I love Thursday's blog, the Easter basket blog. I have tried one out already and it turned out pretty good. I think I will make one and make it as a basket for a Birthday gift.

  71. Love love love the layout!!! Just did 4 Easter pages this weekend... Shouldve waited!!! LOL! Thanks for the ideas!!!

  72. My favorite post is the inspired by kids clothing, because that is how I plan my layouts and select my papers. By imitaing the patterns and colors used in my daughters' clothes. I get some really great design cues like mixing prints and stipes and contrasting solids. Who knew, I'm not the only one? :)

  73. I liked the Easter basket as well. What a simple and easy way to decorate. You can make it as simple or extravagant as you want! Love it. Will be doing it soon! :)

  74. Can I say ALL of them?? I love the easter basket post the best, me thinks!!

  75. I loved them all but particularly loved the spring garland. :)

  76. The Easter Basket post was great. Who knew it could be so easy to make with a 12x12 piece of paper. So clever!

  77. I really love the Easter basket post. I also liked the spring garland.

  78. I loved the easter basket! I posted this on my blog to share with my all my "stay at home mom" friends who have time {yeah right} to make one for their little Bunnies for Easter. I also liked the St. Patricks day broach! too cute... I know that was several weeks ago... but loved it!

  79. I loved the Easter Basket - so simple and cute! That would definitely be great to make with kids! Best wishes from a German fan of yours!!

  80. I like the easter basket best.

  81. Loved the Easter basket and that it came from a single sheet of paper! How cool...

  82. I love the Easter basket also!!

  83. I liked the scrapbook layout the best! Very cute!

  84. I also loved the adorable little easter basket idea... thanks for sharing :)

  85. my fave post was Monday's.. I love kids clothes... I am always looking at them for inspiration!

  86. I love the Spring Garland. It is very feminine. There are alot of terrific ideas and inspiration on this site. Thanks for it all! :)

  87. My favorite was the tutorial on how to make the Easter basket. It is so practical and can be used for other things.
