Friday, March 5, 2010

Guest Blogger, Davinie Fiero

We would like to introduce next week's guest blogger, Davinie Fiero. She is a talented scrapbooker with a clean aesthetic and eye for detail. Her blog, My Little Piece of that Azure Sky is packed with layout ideas.

Hi there. My name is Davinie Fiero. I live in Central Oregon, in the high desert, not in the rain. I am married to my local firefighter and mommy to two sweet girls named Morgan and Payton.

I have been doing crafts in some form all my life, but it wasn’t until the birth of my eldest daughter that I really became fascinated with paper crafting. I love to create scrapbook layouts of our life to cherish in our albums. I also love to create cards and other paper crafted goodness. It’s a needed creative outlet for me, and it’s also a lot of fun too.

I have a blog that I update with my life and the projects that I’m working on. In 2010 I’m also hosting a scrapbook challenge to help keep those family albums updated called Project 12. I’m co-hosting this challenge with a great Canadian based magazine called Scrapbook and Cards Today on their blog here.

I am honored to be hosting the SEI blog this week and have fun things planned as we welcome in Spring. I am always inspired by the seasons, as well as my kids, so be prepared for kid related projects. My girls are very crafty (and they are 6 and almost 4!) so I’m always on the lookout for fun things to do to entertain their creative brains.

Have a great weekend! I will see you on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats, Davinie! Wish that I had known there was a non-rainy spot in the PNW before we moved to Seattle. LOL! - slammie
