Friday, April 9, 2010

Guest Blogger, Jennifer Johner

Please welcome our delightful guest blogger, Jennifer Johner! She creates all kinds of stunning projects, from home decor to scrapbooking. We are in for a real treat next week. Peek around her blog, the little things for a hint of what's in store.

Hi everyone! I am SO excited to get to hang out here on the SEI blog for a the week! Soooo can't wait to get things going on Monday! heeee! For now, here are ten random little tidbits about me.. when I say random, I soooo totally mean random. ha ha!

1. I am obsessed with the colour turquoise.
2. By the end of the week, my hair might be a 'wee' bit shorter, like short short.. I sooo have the urge to chop it all off. We will see if I get the nerve. ha!
3. I need to be creative. Like daily. Or I may start to lose my marbles a little. lol
4. We still have almost a foot of snow in the backyard, and that just doesn't seem fair! Yes, I am pouting.
5. I painted our entry/mud room mint green the other day.. I like it... a lot.
6. I am a homebody.
7. Cookies should not be allowed in the house.. I like them too much. hee!
8. I like to collect books.. just need to find the time to read them all!
9. I need my morning coffee.. with hazelnut creamer... so bad but so good.
10. Currently, I am addicted to watching One Tree Hill on DVD.. loooove it! hee!

OK, that is all for now.. I will be back on Monday! I have some some fun stuff to share and ramble about, it will be a fun week for sure!! If you have ever stopped by my blog before, you may already know that I tend to ramble on a little.. hope that is ok!? hee heee! ;) Can't wait to get to know you all a little better!

Jen :)


  1. I love list posts! And we have 1, 6, 7, and 8 in common! Looking forward to your posts.

  2. I am really looking forward to seeing what you come up with next week. See you Monday.

  3. I'm so looking forward to seeing what you have for us!

  4. Wow, you are just all over the web now a days... Congrats Jen
