Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Gift Giving

How often do you guys make 3-D projects? They kind of intimidate me! Lots of planning and scoring and folding oh my. It gets intense. So I got really excited when I saw all the cool 3-D downloads on the Silhouette Store. I had to try some!

My Mom has a drawer in the laundry room full of little gifts so she's always prepared. I've gained that same habit and now love having cute packaging around too. These two projects would be great for quick and impressive gifts. Seriously, I will take anything wrapped in this lattice box!

paper: on the coast plankton
embellishment: juliette ribbon
shape: box_lace_cube_tent_top_C00579_19210

We always have gift cards lying around, and they make great thank you gifts. This box is the perfect size for them! It doesn't even need embellishing with that lovely lid, but I thought I would play a little anyway.

paper: on the coast lagoon

embellishments: on the coast borders, on the coast chiplet, juliette ribbon
shape: adorable_box_5_C00378_20509

Our giveaway today is absolutely fantastic! We have a Rhinestone Starter Kit for you! I know you all love a little bling, so don't be shy. To enter, leave a comment telling us what has been wonderful about your week! This giveaway ends Sunday at midnight. And don't forget to go to the Silhouette Blog for a free download of the shapes from my projects monday!


  1. I'm on summer break from work, so everything is pretty much great right now.. but I've had some good times with my daughter the last couple of days. That's even better.

  2. The wonderful thing about this week is that I got to see my family. We live a long way away from them so we drove 2 full days to see them. The kids are having fun!

  3. I guess the cutest thing would be that my almost 7-year old said that she had to let go of her tooth fairy pillow and roll over (at 5am this morning...she had been holding tight to it ALL night) so that the tooth fairy could leave her a dollar!

  4. My wonderful week started off with a family reunion on Sunday. I was reunited with cousins I have not seen in over 30 years, and some I had never met.
    Monday was our 13th anniversary!!
    Tuesday was the kids last day of school and we booked our summer vacation to Ohio!
    Can't wait to see what the rest of the week brings!

  5. My week has been wonderful because I am a teacher and I had my last day of school on Monday (which was also my birthday!!)

    Barb :)

  6. my babe cooked me dinner tonight after work!

  7. I got together with my aunt and cousin (who is home from college) and we got pedicures. It was fun to visit and relaxing. Now we have pretty toes and smooth feet. Woohoo!

  8. This is beautiful! My fave thing this week SO FAR is my little girl sleeping well in her new big girl bed. It was a perfectly smooth transition.

  9. My best thing for the week is that on Monday I went back to my local gym and have gone everyday so far this week. Yeah!!

  10. This has been my first week off from driving the school bus and I have been able to stay at home to catch up on lots of rest!

  11. Everyday of every week is wonderful and a precious gift! Other than that, I have spent a lot of time creating this week!!! That is the thing I love most to do!


  12. On Tuesday I got to spend a couple of hours with my 9 month old grandson. We went for a walk and then I read him some books. He is the highlight of my life!

  13. The wonderful thing about this week is that my 18 year old finally got a call for an interview and has a second interview for next week! Looks like he finally might have a job!

  14. My week is especially good as I've had a chance to spend time with my 2-year old grandson this week. I just love watching him discover his world, and then try to tell us about it with his ever growing vocabulary. He just makes me smile out loud!!

  15. I've got a cold but I have to say my soon to be graduate is really on top of things for his last week of school with tons of deadlines. I am sooo proud!

  16. My favorite thing this week has been watching my kids play baseball. I love summer and all the fun activities.

  17. My hubby has been so sweet (because he's going away golfing this weekend) by cooking our family dinners two nights in a row!!

  18. The best thing about my week so far was having my daughters and their friends over for dinner and then we all went and hit golf balls to work off the meal - casual and fun!

  19. I have started riding my bike to work this summer...and I am really enjoying it! So much so, that I have been getting up earlier than I need to because I am so excited about my ride to work! Crazy...but cool!

  20. This week has had virtually no stress at work which makes it a wonderful week. I even have time to catch up on my SEI blog.

  21. It's almost weekend and finally after 2 months we will be having a scrapmeet again with my scrappy friends tomorrow

  22. This has been a good week for me because my birthday is Saturday. :)

  23. The cool thing about this week is that I buy a new computer : A MAC!

  24. I would say that the most wonderful thing about this week, is that all my kids are home from school...however, right now I have one pulling on my shirt crying about the other one :)

  25. This monday i cook a big cheesecake, so every day I eat some with my kids...yum

  26. The best thing for this week is that I have a hair cut... i'm so beautiful now ;-)

  27. Actually this week has been pretty rough for us. But I guess the best thing about it would have to be that even though my hubby is far away, the kids and I can still talk to him over the phone :) thank you

  28. I have been feeling slightly dizzy for the last week. I guess I either have low blood pressure or am a little anemic. Anyway, the summer cold which hit me early this week, was just wonderful: I don't feel that little dizzything anymore: my mind is occupied with the feeling of having an exploding forehead, jaws and teeth hurting and making sure I have enough paper tissues around.

    Thank you, summer cold. It even hurts to put foundation on my face!

  29. This has been a great week, I've had a couple opportunities to craft, which is something I love doing to wind down from work and the busy evenings.

  30. I love bling! What a great giveaway. :) Spending time with my 2 year old son and getting some scrapbooking done has made my week wonderful.

  31. My week was wonderful because we rescued a baby bunny & then I won a contest on the Silhouette Blog!! :)

  32. My mom was able to come visit and see her grandaughter graduate from 5th grade. So fun to have mom/grandma around and happy she is healthy enough to travel.

  33. Its been a really fun week of hanging out with our friends.

  34. My week has been wonderful because I just found out my brother and his wife are expecting a baby! Thanks for the chance to win. -Deb V in Manitoba

  35. Recovering from a short vacation and just working in my yard and garden. Enjoying the sunshine with my kids.

  36. My week was wonderful becasue I got to see my neices. they are 6 adn 8 and they live in Colorado and I only get to see them once or twice a year. I have fun doing crafts with them when they are here.

  37. I would love to win a rhinestone starter kit. Haven't tried it yet but would love to.
    Lori Servies
    lservies at aol dot com

  38. Love those projects! The best part was my daughter sending me over 150 photos from my grandsons 1st birthday party that I could not attend!

  39. love those boxes...they would be perfect favor boxes for my wedding :) This week was a good one...started a new job last week & finally got settled so things are going good this paid today, was unemployed for awhile so getting a paycheck again was a good feeling :)

  40. I have only two more days until I retire! It's been a great week!

  41. thanks for a chance at that great prize. I can only imagine what my girlie girl daughter would do with access to a prize like that

  42. I got to meet up with an old friend this week for dinner! So fabulous!

  43. The best thing about this week is refinishing all kinds of tired furniture to move into our first home next week!
