Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Little Things

I love blogs....don't you? I have been blogging now for over three years, and I feel as though it just keeps getting better! But how easy is it to get sucked into someone's blog....all the highlights of their life laid out so nicely, and wish that pieces of it were yours? Other's lives look so beautiful up on your computer screen.....don't they? I think it's so important that we all look for the little things that make our own lives so interesting each day. And I do mean little, teeny tiny things. I have two little ones at home and there are days were we just stay home. No big adventures. No grand excursions. But there are still little things that mean so much to me, and I try every day to look for them.

I promise that if you adjust your eyes a bit, there are pretty little things all around us, if we only remember to look.



  1. Just what I needed to hear in my slightly woe is me mood lately :) Great pictures.

    And blogs ARE addicting. I follow too many. *sigh*

  2. Wonderful post. I couldn't agree more. It's the little things that make life so wonderful.

  3. Beautiful photoes! And yes, those little things are so important.
