Friday, August 20, 2010

4 Layouts with 1 Kit + Giveaway [CLOSED]

Hmmm, what more can we create together with all things SEI? Well, I had never tried a page kit before and wanted to see if I would like the concept.

I loved it! Every single sheet of patterned paper, ribbon, die cuts and embellishments used on these layouts today were included in the kit. I didn’t add anything extra to complete these scrapbook pages.

Here is the instruction sheet that comes in kit so that you’ll see that I followed the sketches pretty closely, with just a few variations.

I don’t usually use sketches, but felt very comfortable using the suggestions of the SEI designers. Wow, it’s all there, including labels on the backs of all the papers and die cuts so that I knew exactly where to place each item.

Here are my first two layouts:

Since the “best friends” die cut was originally in pink, I used my brown marker and wrote over the words to better coordinate with the page {especially since my son was in the photo!} I felt okay using a floral pattern on this page since Zach’s girlfriend was in the photo and with the brown and green, it didn’t feel overly girly. I roughly sewed the brown ribbon included with the kit and purposely frayed the edges. I loosely interpreted the sketch due to my photo being a 6x4 rather than a 4x6 as in the sketch.

For my son’s Prom layout, I changed the placement of the ribbon from vertical to horizontal and used it to thread through the “happy memories” die cut.

And boy did I put those stickers to good use. The two green journaling spots on the right hand side were once one sticker, which I trimmed. I did the same thing to the brown journaling spots at the top and bottom of the layout. The extra piece of the brown-edged journaling spot was used as a tab in the upper left-hand corner of the layout.

The glittery curved stickers are what was left on the sticker sheet when I removed the journaling spots. I trimmed them and adhered them to my page.

And my next two layouts:

My oldest daughter loves all things pink and girly and so does her school friend, making this patterned paper a perfect match! I changed the orientation of one of the photos and fussy cut around some stickers, which I adhered with pop dots for dimension, but the feel pretty closely matches the original.

With my next layout, I used the die cut “friends” tag as part of my title. Again, I fussy cut around some of the stickers and added them to the page with pop dots. I like that the sewn borders around the page and the circle dies are anything but perfect. This just might be my favorite layout of the four. As a matter of fact, I might even scraplift it and make the same page for each of the kids’ albums!

Can you believe it, there were extra embellishments left after making four complete layouts. I challenged myself to use every last bit of the kit, and I did. Want to know what I created with all the awesome extra bits? SEVEN greeting cards! And if you’re wondering where that yellow patterned paper came from, I cut it from behind the brown paper of the first layout I shared with you. Why waste that pretty paper behind another piece of paper...put it to good use!

Thank you for allowing me to guest blog with you at SEI LIfestyles this week, I appreciate your kind comments and I thoroughly enjoyed crafting with you. If you’d like to see more of my projects, tutorials and downloads, I invite you to browse my blog, anytime.

Wahoo! We love how smart Monika is about using scraps and pieces. It was pretty neat to see how she adapted the page kit to fit her style and photos.

Wasn't it a great week? We can hardly believe how many great projects she came up with in such a short time. Don't forget, if you want to see more of Monika's creations, stop by her blog, i love it all. Thanks a million, Monika!

You can play with this page kit too. In fact, one lucky person will win it and some of the other goodies Monika used this week. To enter, leave a comment on this post telling us which post was your favorite this week by Sunday, August 22nd at midnight MST. We will announce the winner Monday. Be sure to check back to see if you are the winner because if we don't hear from the winner within a week we will pick a new one.

This giveaway is now closed but feel free to continue to leave comments for Monika.


  1. I love the happy{birth}day post. The layout with the rolled candles is such a great idea!

  2. Gosh, all the posts are cute this week! I'm loving all the new lines. But I guess my favorite is the address book. My toddler has torn mine up and I really need to make one. Now, I have some inspiration. Thanks!

  3. I thought the mini album post would be my favorite, but you one upped it by showing how you modified the page kits! This was a great week! Thanks!

  4. My favorite was the mini books - I love mini books!

  5. I love the last post best. I try to use every last bit of embellishment that comes with kits also, even if it means doing what Monika does, by cutting out the unseen portion of paper! It drives me nuts to have waste! Love all the posts, though!

  6. I love Monika's post...but also the minibooks ! thanks for the inspiration !!

  7. I loved the mini books! I also hate to waste any paper at all. I try to save every scrap, never know when it will come in handy! Thanks for sharing Monika!

  8. I really liked the mini albums post as well as the page kit post. Such great ideas!

  9. Awesome work!!

    I loved the mini albums post the albums totally ROCK!
    - April W

  10. Although I really liked Monday's Home Decor post, I think Tuesday's Happy{Birth}day post was my favorite. Love the rolled candles idea.

  11. I loved seeing what you did with the kits and sketches - and what you did with the leftovers - fabulous!

  12. I loved all the posts, but the back to school post was my favorite! Always love new back to school ideas!

  13. I loved the rolled birthday candles-- but the back to school post was my overall favorite :)

  14. I enjoyed all of the posts this week but my favorite was the one using the kit. I've never used a kit before because I wasn't sure if I'd like it but after seeing how Monika used it I'm going to have to give it a try! Thanks for the great week.

  15. The minibooks are so great!

    Thanks for all the inspiration :)

  16. I think the scrapbooking kits would make scrapping so much easier! It all coordinates! My favorite post was Mondays about repurposing that plaque. It turned out so cute! I'm going to be on the lookout now at my favorite thrift stores. What a great idea!

  17. My favorite is the kit post. I love to see how people tweak sketches. I'm the type of scrapper who more often than not "needs" a sketch to go from. Thank for sharing your talents!!

  18. i liked the luggage tag post, thanks for sharing it!

  19. I really have enjoyed this weeks posts by Monika - she has so many great ideas to share: the paper candle lights, the super simple mini, the luggage tags. And the altered placques are just to cute.


  20. I really loved Monday's post on home decor and using things you already have in your house.

  21. I have done that too, cutting the paper that is behind something it

  22. Well I have to say I really enjoyed Tuesday Birthdays post and Wednesday mini album post! All week was pretty great but those too were my favorite!

  23. My favorite was the mini album and the birthday was a close second.

  24. I loved the last post showing how Monika made the page layout kit her own.

  25. ooohhhh! Monika's pages are GORGEOUS! i love how far one kit can be stretched!

    totally digging the scrunchy ribbon technique in the happy birthday post, and those candles are too cute! but i think my fave post this week is the home decor one - more little ideas to file away for future reference... we're hoping to buy a new home next year and i'm going to need to make my craft room MINE! :) thank you for the inspiration!

  26. Love your offerings. I am so excited. Now I'll actually go back and read the article. Hee hee!
    Sharon L

  27. I enjoyed the plaque with the hook. Useful and totally cute!

  28. I loved the home decor projects. great ideas that I plan on doing and also my 11 yr old daughter wants to make some too!

  29. I really liked all of the mini albums!

  30. I loved the all, but especially liked the I love Mini Albums and back to school. I love love love mini albums, so any new ideas are always appreciated.

  31. Love that back to school post with the tags- great idea.

  32. I love all the cute posts! But my favorite would have to be the mini album post! I just love pictures and scrapbooking!

  33. Love love love the address book!

  34. missmammamurphy31@yahoo.comAugust 20, 2010 at 5:43 PM

    I loved everything!! But the mini books were my favorite!!

  35. I love minis and you guys provided me with excellent inspiration!!

  36. pinkscrapper@live.comAugust 20, 2010 at 5:45 PM

    The page kit post was my favorite!!!

  37. I absolutely loved the "happy{birth}day" post. Those candles are great!

  38. I loved the back to school day. Those little notes and tin are so cute to send with your kids each day.

  39. So many great projects! I love all the mini albums ideas because they are some of my favorite projects to complete!

  40. I think that today's post was actually my favorite. I loved how she was able to make her sketches adapt to all of the products in the kit. Great job, Monika!!!

  41. My favorites were the back to school and mini album!

  42. all the projects were cute, but really liked the little journal she made (tabbed one to keep track of websign-ins)

  43. My favorite post was the mini-albums...Monika does the BEST simple and do-able!!

    I liked the little tags in the tin too. I don't use that brand of mints, but was tempted to go buy them and throw them out just for the tin to decorate!!!

    Thanks for a great week of ideas

  44. All the posts were awesome! Such great ideas shared! My favorite is the kit post. I got several tips and ideas from it. Thanks for all the inspiration!

  45. all the posts were great, but my favorite was the back to school post.

  46. It has been a fun week! I really like the tags she made for lunchbox notes. I'm definitely going to do that. Thanks for the chance to win.

  47. I love all the posts because they were all something I could do. Now can we add an extra day to our week and call is SEIDAY so we can just do our scrapbooking/crafts. :)

  48. I love her back to school post from Thursday! Cute stuff!

  49. I love the Home Decor Projects. I am always looking for unique ways to personalize our home.

  50. She came up with some amazing projects this week! Way too hard to pick just one!

  51. Today's Post was my favorite. I love how she used up the entire kit, amazing! She has inspired me to give it a try!

    Carol B

  52. This post was probably my fav. I liked to see what she did with this kit.

  53. My favorite was the Back to School post, although all of them are amazing and get my creative juices flowing. Thanks for this giveaway.

  54. I am trying this again. I am having "issues" with my machine!
    I like the back to school name tag.
    I would like to see the room number and/or teachers name too.
    Love that kit!
    Sharon L

  55. I love this! I signed up for the Mega Kits in Charlotte and am so excited! Thanks for the chance to win. Donna Fiskateer 6036

  56. I really enjoyed the mini book post this week!

  57. My fave was the happy birthday post. Love the layouts, and the rolled candles and the scrunched ribbon, so sweet!

  58. I love the idea of a kit to make the decisions simple. I am a scraplifter (I'll admit it ;)) so I love sketches too.

  59. Mondays post with the home decor projects was my favorite, but it's all been a good week. Thank you!!!
