Thursday, April 15, 2010

More scrappy projects..

I remember when I first saw the Playday line.. so full of fun! The animals are adorable, so cute and whimsy.. in a not over the top way at all. Perfection. Especially the elephant.. but I am not playing favourites or anything. hee! ;)

We recently went on a day trip to Edmonton (not too sure I have mentioned were I live yet have I? ooooops! lol ..we are about 4 hours northwest of Edmonton, Alberta).. anyhoo, we ended up at West Edmonton Mall.. which has an indoor amusement park.. we couldn't go to Edmonton and not go there now could we!? We spent a total of an hour and a half there and it was pretty much the perfect amount of time. Nobody got cranky, or tired, and everyone had fun.. and we left with smiles on our faces!

I printed off the pictures for another project that I was working on, but ended up saving them until I dug into the Playday ..the colours are a perfect match to the photos! Not that I usually go for that all the time or anything, it was just too good not to! hee! ;)

Here is a favourite photos from that day (ok, maybe 2!) ha ha ha! ;)

ha ha ha ha HA! That one seriously cracks me up! My oldest looks so bored (it was a kiddie ride for sure).. and my youngest can't even contain his excitement enough to actually keep his head in the ride! heeee! Love it!

So very blurry, but had to share anyway.. he is such a 'dirt bike' kid at the moment.. everything is dirt bikes! He was seriously in his glory here! :)

Then there was this ride.. my girl rode this one over and over and over and over and over and over... well, you get the idea!

Ooooops, that was 3 wasn't it? ;)

Here is the layout, using the perfect colour matching Playday..

And of course, had to make a card too..

OK ok.. the giraffe is pretty darn cute too! Hope everyone is having a fantastic day! Tomorrow is my last day on the SEI blog, it has been so fun! I have a fun and fairly quick home decor project to share with you.. had to get one more project out of the Playday collection! I can't wait to share it with you!! See you soon!! :)

1 comment:

  1. I love this card so much! The colors are so sweet together. :) You make beautiful things girl!
