Friday, April 16, 2010

Quick 4x6 framed art + GIVEAWAY!!

Today is my last day here on the SEI blog. This has been truly an amazing experience, I have loved every second of it! Thank you all so very much for having me! ..and putting up with all of my rambling! hee heee! I leave you with one last home decor project. A 'hybrid' project of sorts.. if you dabble in digital scrapbooking as well, or know your way around a computer.. this will be right up your ally! Heck, thinking about it now, this could also easily be done using 100% traditional scrapbooking supplies!

Looooove that bird from the Playday Chiplets! So cute! The frame that I used here is 4x6. In Photoshop, I created a 4x6 canvas, and using the text tool, added the large 'H' ..then, using the shape tool, I added the speech bubble and finished off with the "h is for harley" took a few tries to get the spacing right, just test printed on plain paper, and then when I was ready to final print, I used photo paper. Once printed, I added the bird chipboard accent and that was it!! Super fast and super easy.. and super budget friendly! Such a great way to customize something as a gift as well. I didn't make this one in particular as a gift.. this one went straight to my son's room.. but I could definitely see myself making a variation of this as a gift down the road sometime!

Thank you all again for having me! It has been a blast! It was truly an honour to be asked to guest blog for a week, seriously.. still giddy over it!! THANK YOU!!

Jen :)

Thanks for being our guest, Jen! We loved the diversity of projects you shared with us this week and your fun personality shines through in all of your posts. Don't forget to check her blog, the little things. You will notice she did cut her hair & it looks great!

Now for the giveaway, if you leave a comment on this post telling us which post was your favorite this week, you will be entered into a giveaway for a chance to win this package with all kinds of goodies Jen used this week.

Just leave your comment by Monday, April 19th at noon MST and we will announce the winner that day. Be sure to check back next week to see if you are the winner because if we don't hear from the winner we will pick a new one!


  1. My favorite post was Wednesday, the butterfly art. I'm inspired!

  2. I loved the butterfly art and the picture frame today!

  3. I have to say that the entire week was fantastic but Monday was my favorite. I loved all the little ideas you gave me to make some great things for my house.

  4. Jen CRACKED me up! Not only was she talented but she put a smile on my face! I LUV THAT! Her awesome sense of humor reflected in her artwork such as 'Thursday's' wonderful amusement day park theme! Way to work with the supplies!!!!
    -Susie :)

  5. totally loving the butterfly art! wow!!!!! for sure my favorite post!

  6. I would have to say Wednesday the Butterfly wall art - so amazing and just something up my alley!! Thank you for the inspiration and great works of art!

  7. I loved all the home decor ideas, especially the butterflies, but today's quick frame art was my favorite.

  8. loved it all, but especially butterflies on the wall! can't wait to do it in my baby room!

  9. Love the what isnpires you post! All week has been great! Love the project posted today too!

  10. Great week! The butterflies on the wall art is amazing! So will be trying that!

  11. I loved the post about the butterflies on the wall... AMAZING!

  12. I loved the first post about simple projects around the house.. of course everything Jen posted was amazing.

  13. I loved the butterfly art on the wall - lovely!

  14. The butterfly art for her daughter's room was my favorite. Made me wish I had a little girl.

  15. thursday's post, i love the amusement park pictures.

  16. "What Inspires You?" was ALSO my favorite post!! It's what brought me to this blog and I am now a follower and have shared it with some friends who appreciate this crazy and simple beauty! I love that I could potentially involve kids in creating it... Won't be quite so precise but fun and beautiful! Thanks for all the great ideas!

  17. My favorite post was Monday's, Easy Projects Around the House. I am working on this one now.

  18. I loved all the posts and one of my favorites was in Monday, April 12, I love all the paper colours and the simple and marvelous ideas you gave me for my little and funny house:-)
    Thanks a lot!

  19. The butterflies from I think wednesday were stunning. A fab home decor idea!

  20. Those pictures from yesterday were so funny! Love the LO and card made as well.

  21. The butterflies on the wall was the best! Thanks for sharing!~

  22. I love the cards on Tuesday's post. I mostly make cards - and those are so inspirational!

  23. I liked April 13th post. Love her layout and the cards are gorgeous!!

  24. Sorry. Can't pick just one. It's a toss up between the Home Sweet Home and the altered 4x6 frame. I'm a sucker for repurposed home decor...and I've been trying to learn how to do the hybrid thing, too.

    Really fun week!

  25. I loved the "Scrapbook Talk" on Tuesday. So much goodness in one post!

  26. I really enjoyed the inspiration post. And also today's post. I have been looking for ideas for a project for my little girl's room and this would be perfect!

    Allison M.

  27. Mondays post was my fav, I'm always looking to use my supplies on home decor projects and she posted so many great ideas!

  28. I loved the butterfly art. I am always a sucker for butterflies any way you make them.

  29. The Butterflies!!! I've really got to make these for my wall :)

  30. My favorite post was the one with the three cards, "Hi". Loved those cards especially the butterfly one. I am a card maker so this post interested me.
    Love SEI products! Last summer I used many of the irredescent mimosa and related papers. Those colorful papers and embellishments made such vibrant fun cards. So I would love to win this giveaway.

  31. My favorite this week was the post on the butterflies.

  32. I loved Wednesday's post with the butterflies on the wall!

  33. I LOVE the framed papers in the entry way especially the 'Home Sweet Home'! Well done Jen, thanks for the inspiration! -Alisa

  34. Great projects all week, but my favorite was the LO & cards on Tuesday. Thanks for sharing.

  35. I loved the cards on Tuesday's post. I am a cardmaker and enjoy your ideas!

  36. What a fun week. I liked the quick frame are the best. :)

  37. Oh how wonderful. What creations can be made!


  38. Loved the idea of framing some of the SEI's gorgeous papers. Great idea. Also really liked the butterfly art.

  39. I loved all the projects this week, but the frame is my fave! I have 2 baby showers coming up and will be making one for each!

  40. My favorite was the 4x6 framed art post, I was looking for something cute to put on my kids walls, just perfect, thanks!

  41. Definitely the butterfly wall art. Very inspiring!

  42. I just love the post "Some easy projectos aroud the house" because it's very inspiring for those who have not time to make big projects! Kisses!

  43. Wednesday post on the cool..its true the internet is a source of inspiration..and Jen is one of them.. :)

  44. I love this post with the picture frame using photoshop. I think using photoshop is awesome when it comes to scrapbooking. Thanks for sharing!

  45. I loved wednesday's butterfly post. I love butterflies, and a daughter who would love that!

  46. My favorite post(s) hehe were:
    the butterfly wall ~ so very fun & inspiring :), the fun & games LO; & the Home Sweet Home framed art :)
    You're so talented Jen ~ Thanks for sharing your creativity :)

  47. I love the bird frame! I'm making one for my daughter, very easy to customize to match her room decor.

  48. oh man totally the butterflies!!! But I love everything Jennifer does!!!!!!

  49. The butterfly project was my simple and sweet. Love it!

  50. love the butterflies

  51. The butterfly art by far!! Love Jen's work!

  52. 4 x 6 framed art! Love it all!

  53. My favorite post was Monday's - love all your ideas about crafting for the home. The Home Sweet Home picture frame - oh yeah - I'm going to create one for my wall! Thanks for the chance to win!

  54. LOVE you sense of humor and style. You are so creative, I've definintely been inspired!

  55. I like all of your ideas and tips but I think my most fav is the Butterflies on Wednesday!!

  56. Monday's post was really awesome because I love to decorate around the house, and the butterfly post was really cool too. I have a daughter so I just may use some of those ideas for her room! :)

  57. My favorite post was Wednesday the 14th. I love the title about what inspires her. It is my favorite, not only because I love what she did with the butterflies, but also because that was the subject of my daughter's recent college application essay. She is inspired by the wind and I was blown away (no pun intended) by what she wrote. She is going to major in English and hopes to become an Editor but I think she is very talented and should be a writer....a proud mom talking here. Thanks for sharing Jen with us. I love her website.


  58. My favorite it the picture frame. I'm inspried to make one for my daughter now too!c

  59. I loved the butterflies! I was looking for a new idea for my scraproom. thanks for the inspiration!

  60. Beautiful goodies. The butterfly art is amazing...

  61. Very nice week for spring. I absolutely love the butterflies too! pick me!!

  62. Oh, hands down it was the butterfly art! Cute idea that can be transformed in so many ways! Thanks for sharing.

  63. Pick just one! Well, if I must... I liked Tuesday's post with the scrapbook layout. Love those Jocelyn papers.

  64. I love seeing Jen's traditional layouts so it's gotta be that post! She's so inspiring.

  65. I loved the butterflies, what a great simple idea!

  66. The butterfly art!

  67. The butterfly art was fantastic!

  68. The Butterfly art was gorgeous
