Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Link Party #13 + GIVEAWAY

Thanks so much for your feedback on the link parties last month. You had some great suggestions! So starting in October, we will have the link party go all month long. No excuses about forgetting to link those projects up! We will also post a reminder or two throughout the month.

GIVEAWAY -- Ready to link up your SEI projects? If not, you still have couple of days to create something and link up so you can be entered into the giveaway for a $25 gift card to It can be anything using an SEI product! This is a great time to show us what you did with September's sketch challenge. The party ends October 2nd at 11:59 pm MST. As always, the rules are...

1. Add a link to your SEI project on our blog by clicking on the button at the bottom of this post. Your project must use at least one SEI product to participate.
2. Link back to us by adding this button to the bottom of your blog post.

3. Check each other's projects out & leave comments.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Iron-on Robots

We have been so excited to share this project from Audrey with you. It uses one of our favorite new products... color my own iron-ons and looks so adorable on her new little model.

Would you like to make your own? First, you will need a onesie, your favorite color my own iron-on, and fabric markers. Audrey didn't have any fabric markers so she used fabric paint instead.

Next iron the iron-on onto the onesie as directed. If you haven't used iron-ons before, don't worry. They're really quite fast and simple.

Now whip out those fabric markers (or paint like Audrey). Be creative and make it your own!

Audrey, thanks for sharing another fun project and that sweet photo of little Kyler!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Autumn Memories

This beautiful layout by Julie is a great way to kick off the first week of fall. She captured the the rich colors of the season in her Autumn Memories layout using the Homestead collection.

Julie enhanced the leaf die-cut accents by stitching along the embossing lines. It's little details like these that make the layout complete.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Art Studio Picks: Kristie

There are a lot of things that make me happy and inspire me, things like glitter, happy children (especially when they are mine), the vibrant colors of yarn, flowers, watercolor painting and...oh yea...bakers twine. My daughters make fun of my “inspiration” obsessions which sometimes take over our living area.

Recently I have rediscovered crocheting. I learned to crochet when I was a teenager and crocheted for many years but as life got busy and styles changed I moved on to other things. As with many things the old becomes new again. I now have mounds of yarn I have purchased just because I love the color. The following projects I love and are on my “must” try list.

I also love going to my mother’s house and sorting through her vintage treasures which also hold new inspiration. Recently I inherited my mother’s button jar. It contains a lovely collection of buttons that were removed from worn out clothing, coats, boots and our favorite stuffed animals so I have been collecting ideas for projects using vintage buttons.

Thanks for letting me share!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Panther Pride

Audrey is here with a football layout... just in time to show us how to scrapbook all of those exciting games.

She carefully choose her color scheme to fit the occasion... plenty of green to mimic the field, black & white, and pops of yellow for her team. Mostly she used the I'm An Athlete collection but snuck in a bit of Holiday Cheer, believe it or not.

We are so happy to see her customize the scoreboard that comes on the perforated sheet! It has all eights to begin with so she filled in her own score.

Audrey used the other embellishments to fit her pages too. For example, she used the "x", "o", and arrows to make her own "plays".

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Happy Halloween

October is creeping up on us and fall is in the air. Halloween with all it's fun will be here before you know it!

Lisa has a great way to celebrate... with a card. We love how Lisa makes every occasion special with her lovely cards from weddings to the everyday. This time she used our new Homestead collection.

Why not start a new tradition of sending out Halloween cards? Does anyone already send out cards for Halloween or other times not typical to send cards?

Monday, September 19, 2011


Thanks for supporting our fabulous guest blogger, Karen Grover last week! To show our appreciation we did a giveaway. In case you missed it, be sure to check back next month for another one.

The winner (selected by of some SEI goodies is...

#8 -- Scrapycandy

Congratulations! Please send your mailing address to seiblog{at}shopsei{dot}com to claim your prize.

Happy Monday Everyone!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Inspired Quotes + Giveaway!

If you have not looked at Pinterest then you have not seen all the wonderful inspiration for designs and crafts. One of the things that I have found are awesome inspirational quotes that help me remember to be grounded. But be warned once you start you can't stop.

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the everyday business of getting through the day we forget some of the most important things.


Thanks for an inspiring week, Karen! We love the variety of ideas you shared to help keep us all thinking creatively and seeing sweet photos of your adorable baby Rose.

Ok readers, it's your turn to show Karen how much you enjoyed this week by leaving a comment on today's post. Let her know which day was your favorite this week and we will enter you into a giveaway for some SEI goodies. The giveaway ends Sunday, September 18th at 11:59 pm MST.

Good luck and happy weekend!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Custom Team Onsie

I don't know about your house but here at my house the fall is time for college football season which means on every GAME DAY (other wise known as Saturday) the Grover's all wear HUSKER RED.

Being this true to our team is fun but rather expensive especially when you are talking about an outfit for 4 month old.

Expensive because 1. they cost more than a pretty penny and take a chance in paying the $40 or more for a shirt one week but the next week she hits a growth spurt and it doesn't fit anymore.

So I decided the best way to avoid that toil and trouble is to make Rose her own special Husker onsie. My inspiration coming from those ringer tees that baseball players wear.

What you will need: SEI Tumble Dye in your team's color, packaging tape, plastic bags, SEI Iron-on Art in the polka dot letters, and a onsie.

On the front of the onsie tape off each sleeve and under the collar flap. Spray with the tumble dye. Allow each side to dry completely before handling to avoid putting red where you don't want it. I put grocery bags under the whole thing so I didn't get the tumble dye everywhere. I did get some on my counter top but it just wiped off.

On the back side tape off only the sleeves and let dry. After the sleeves are dry then tape the curve from the neck to mimic the front.

After letting it air dry and putting it in the dryer for twenty minutes I placed the letters where I wanted them on the onsie.



Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fall Fashion

Fall is fast approaching so what does that mean? Long sleeve shirts, sweaters, jackets, pants, and possibly scarves. In other words a change in Wardrobe!

It all depends on where you live as to how much you will have to change your wardrobe. But the good people at Pantone has given us a guide for what is going to be the it colors that everyone will be wearing.

Here are some examples that are coming out for fall in actual stores

For larger wallets here is what I found at Jcrew

For everybody's favorite Old Navy

And for the trendy at heart Forever 21


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Beautiful Bulletin Boards

Renting an apartment really limits what you can do when it comes to decorating. Most places don't allow the renter to paint and you have to pay out of the nose when you leave tons of nail holes. So to decorate the wall and have only two holes the cork bulletin board was invented. Remember those are the bulletin boards that every freshman starting college is required to have in their dorm room. My opinion of these are that they are useful but not that attractive but somehow Tom and I have three of them.

So I have decided to up cycle the bulletin boards to use them in Rose's room. I bought some natural looking burlap to cover them.

I love using the staple gun. It has a little kick each time that makes it feel like an actual power tool and it is so useful in so many projects.

To add more than just pictures I added some SEI Corinne paper and embellishments treating the bulletin boards like they are giant scrapbook pages.


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