Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Inspired by Fashion

One of my favorite things in the whole world is a new magazine! I keep a pile of fashion magazines by my bed, and I love to look through them for inspiration. I always end up feeling inspired by them, but it’s not for putting together cute outfits... it’s for paper crafting! Yes, I get most of my ideas for fun new techniques from fashion magazines. I keep a big notebook stuffed with clippings of all the little fashion-y details that inspire me.

There are lots of ways to draw inspiration from magazine images. One of my favorites is texture. I saw this adorable sequined shoe...

...and it inspired me to create this card:

See how the On The Coast paper circles mimic the overlapping sequins on the shoe? I want to try this on a layout soon, too.

Of course there’s always literal inspiration! I just loved the romantic feel of this shot:

The tulle and feathers are just so pretty! I decided I’d try some on my layout, using the Jocelyn collection:

I’m also inspired by the little details that clothing designers include, like the bow on this cute blouse:

I cut some paper strips from the Jocelyn line, crinkled them to give them a little more flexibility, and formed them into a bow for my card:

These are just a few ways that fashion inspires me (you can check out my fashion inspiration series here). What inspires you?



Anonymous said...

those are awesome ideas! i especially love sequiny shoes into that card! its amazing! i think i will scrap-lift that and create a similar card. Thanks for the inspiration

Miss Jaster said...

fun projects & ideas!

Dale Tiernan said...

Fabulous. Love the shoe/circle idea. Going to use that for sure. Love the shoe itself also btw.

iHanna said...

Love the card, it is just beautiful!

Unknown said...

You've inspired me with just the paper bow. Who woulda thunk? :)


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